Content SEO Audit to Skyrocket Your SERP Performance

The audit covers 4 major areas of your website – keyword research for your niche, keyword-to-page mapping, meta data copy, and website structure check. All action items come with a distinct level of priority.

Identify Your Site's Issues with Our Detailed Content SEO Steps

Keyword research & analysis

This part of the Content SEO audit focuses on keyword research. We show you similar keywords clustered in groups. Each of these groups is mapped to one of your website pages. Also, you’ll see if you need to add new pages.

Internal linking opportunities

Adding internal linking opportunities can help improve the crawlability and link juice flow of your pages. This can also help fix orphan page issues. When we add internal links, we consider the following factors:

  • Anchor text
  • Frequency of the links
  • Missing links
Site structure & mapping

You’ll get a representation of your ideal site structure and main navigation. It reflects all recommendations made in the Content SEO Audit. Some of the action items include updates on current pages, page consolidation, or creating new pages.

Content quality

Google rewards only high-quality content. The Content Quality checklist analyzes your website’s content. It shows whether your content is tailored to your audience and whether you have good readability scores. Also, the section looks at duplicate content and thin content issues.

Solutions to your content problems

Your blog or content hub is underperforming

Don’t let your blog drag down your SEO performance. We’ll explore common issues that might be blocking your articles. Suggestions for improvement include on-page SEO, deoptimization, pruning, and much more.

Creating a new website and needing a content strategy

Migrating your website? Make sure you don’t drop the ball on your so-far SEO efforts. Or if you are getting started with a fresh new website, build a solid SEO foundation. Plus, we’ll advise if a Content Strategy shall bring you the best organic results.

Users are not converting

When users don’t take the desired actions, SEO can help you figure solutions out. You might need to prioritize keywords by intent, and take a look at the user journey and possible gaps there. We’ll provide you with the action items that will move the needle.

Your most important pages are not ranking

Often it has to do with the title tags, H1-H2-H3 structure, and meta descriptions. The Content SEO audit provides you with actionable advice on how to improve all the crucial elements. Boost your Money Pages to attract more visitors.

No size fits all, but this is what the first 12 weeks look like

01 Month

SEO Risks
and Opportunities

We analyze your current performance to find quick wins and fix critical issues. The Technical SEO Audit will identify any obstacles to organic growth. The Content SEO Audit will pave the road to getting more SERP real estate and attracting relevant audiences. The Backlink Audit will show us toxic links and put an outreach strategy on the table.

02 Month

Turn Insights into

Roll up the sleeves and start implementing action items. We validate implementation results and monitor how your changes affect traffic and visibility. Link building kicks off to get your money pages boosted. Plus, we can build on the audit findings and map out a content strategy that will determine what sort of content we’ll be producing for long-lasting organic growth.

03 Month

Safeguard Against SERP Volatility

Your organic competitors never sleep, and SEO wins should be defended monthly. We track your website’s ongoing SEO health, hygiene, and competitive rankings. With SEO Health Monitoring, we suggest and prioritize recommendations and work with your devs on implementation.


What is a Content Audit?

The Content Audit we do at Hop focuses on your website’s pages. This includes all the Money Pages representing your services, service categories, use cases, persona pages, and more. We look closely at their performance. Then, give you a systematic approach to improve their score.

What is a Content Strategy?

A Content Strategy focuses on your website’s blog. It consists of a 3-Month Editorial Calendar with the main topics for your niche. The strategy will show you how to structure your blog using the so-called pillar-cluster model.

When will I see the results?

All action items in the SEO Content Audit have their priority. By implementing the high-priority items, you’ll see the most impactful results. But if you fix all your content issues, you’ll make sure that you’ve done your best to stay stable during major Google updates.

Why is a content audit useful?

The Content Audit shows you SEO fixes that often don’t require dev work. This means that with little internal resources, you can improve your website’s SEO easily.

What are the benefits of your content marketing audit?

Our audit offers ready solutions for your pages’ title tags, meta descriptions, and H1s. It saves you the hassle of writing them on your own. Also, the audit will show you missed opportunities in other areas, that can be easily solved.

Can I see examples of your Content Audit and Content Strategy?

Absolutely. Take a look at the SEO Content Audit we did for a client. Here’s an example of a Content Strategy.